National Honey Bee Day: Celebrating the Buzz

National Honey Bee Day: Celebrating the Buzz

Oct 18th 2024

Here at Big Dipper Wax Works, we believe you’re never too small to make a big difference. Take the honey bee: one of the smallest creatures on earth is responsible for ⅓ of all of the food we consume in the United States. In fact, we would go so far as to say that the honey bee can make or break an ecosystem.

In honor of National Honey Bee Day on August 19th this year, we’re shining a “candle-light” on one of the earth’s most precious and pivotal creations. One of our missions at Big Dipper Wax Works is to create products that contribute to the health of our community and the planet. Because bees are so essential to the health of our ecosystem, it only makes sense for us to support their natural processes and use beeswax to create products that benefit both the bees and our customers.

The Benefits of Beeswax

All-natural consumable goods have been trending across the market for years now, and for obvious reasons. Natural products are good for our overall health and the more we learn about the harms of parabens and over-processed products, the more we tend to look for products that benefit both us and our environment.

Beeswax is the byproduct of the sustainable practice of beekeeping, and can be used in so many different ways in the household. Our favorite, as our customers know, is burning beeswax candles. Burning beeswax in your home, unlike paraffin wax candles, actually purifies the air in your home. Beeswax also has one of the highest melting points of all different types of wax candles and, as a result, has a longer burn time than other candles. One of the best things about beeswax, in our opinion, is that even all natural beeswax candles have a light, sweet scent of honey from the natural filtration process of the beeswax. If you’re trying to fill your home with fragrance-free products, beeswax candles are the perfect option.

How We Help the Honey Bees

A large part of our efforts in helping the health of the honey bee population is partnering with Heifer International. Heifer International’s main mission is to end poverty with sustainable agriculture. For honey bees, Heifer International sends honey bee colonies to developing countries which helps both with the production of crops and creates jobs in developing communities. For existing farms, honey bees can as much as double a farmer’s crop production.

Unfortunately, due mostly to the use of pesticides on large commercial farms, honey bees face a large threat to their own ecosystems and are experiencing a rapid decline in population. At Big Dipper Wax Works, we also partner with a number of non-profit organizations that raise awareness for the protection of honey bees and conserving environments for them to thrive in.

What It Means to “Shop Sustainable”

When we say that we partner with various non-profit organizations, we mean that at the end of the year, Big Dipper Wax Works donates a portion of our profits to our partners, which you can read more about on our Commitment to the Community page.

Our business would not be possible without the health of the honey bee population and we strongly believe in giving back to the causes that help us create natural, sustainable products for our customers. Find out more about how you can make a difference on our About Us page, or shop our candles and fill your home with sustainable products.

And above all else, Happy World Honey Bee Day!